Did you know that there also is a 5 pyramids valley +tunnel systems+stone spheres in Europe (Central Bosnia)? (aprox. since 12 000 BC) http://i49.tinypic.com/b4fhfq.jpg http://www.cropcirclecyclist.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/map-bosnian-pyramids.jpg
282 votes
Yes, I already knew it (The pyramid of the Sun is even taller than the egyptian one)
I didn't know it o__O (Google Maps link: maps.google.es/maps?q=43%C2%B0… )
Everyday I'm more convinced that the true History must be rewritten...

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laurenloogie's avatar
*Clears throat and begins rant...*

My big interests other than yaoi (lol!) are ancient constructions and bizarrely, quantum physics. Kinda weird but whatever. Either way, a lot of these old structures are simply inexplicable, including such famous monuments as stonehendge and machu picchu. Even with today's technology, a lot of these structures would be difficult if not impossible to build. And it kinda plays into my quantum infatuation. I think either ancient civilations possessed knowledge about the nature of the universe, or perhaps there was an otherworldly influence. The thing about quantum physics is that the more we learn, the less we know. If we ever attain understanding of it, the possibilities would be endless! Time travel, moving objects without the strain of newtonian physics, teleportation. And I feel as though perhaps in the past, people perhaps had such an understanding that allowed them to build these magnificent structures! And while we percieve our ancestors to be primative, who even *knows* how they actually lived!

Yah yah, I'm a crackpot, I know! But I believe to the core of my being that we only know a fraction of ancient history. Thanks for sharing the links, btw - I'm gonna go dweeb out on them now, lol